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Boots not suits. You don’t have to talk to bankers.

Have you ever talked to a finance partner and after a ton of overly technical explanations and speeches that clearly indicate they have no idea what you do, you feel talked down to, crippled with processes, and full of the revelation that their money means more than yours? If so, you’re not alone.

In a recent survey of over 2200 equipment sales professionals, 73% ‘disliked’ working with bankers. 65% didn’t want to bring up a bank finance solution in front of their customer out of fear it might hurt their deal more than help it.

It shouldn’t be this way.

The Ivory tower banking crowd sure doesn’t make it easier at times to get a great payment in place that makes selling equipment easier. Theirs is a mentality that actually isn’t connected to be a banker as much as it is connected to being substandard at what they do. Some lenders get it. And we thin we’re one of ‘em.

Here’s are key points about ACG that make us different:

  1. We hate rate tape and BS (Banker-speak that is)
  2. We are 100x more likely to wear boots than suits.
  3. We treat our customers like you treat yours.
  4. We hustle and push to find a path to saying yes.
  5. We’re proudly plain-spoken, main street or corner pub kind of people.
  6. Speed matters. Quality matters. Competitiveness matters. Service is king.
  7. We know equipment, what it is to sell equipment and the businesses that buy equipment.
  8. We make equipment easier to buy and sell.
  9. We’re part of a bank that gets it. No Ivory-Tower types here.
  10. Your bottom line is more important than our balance sheet. Every time.


Are you tired of the finance partner that just doesn’t get it? The one that you’re afraid to let your customers talk to. Fear no more. Work with ACG.

Let’s do this.

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